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About Us

The Utah British Isles Association was incorporated in May 2002 by Robin Grey, Mike Winder, and others to fill what was seen as a void for English cultural awareness in Utah. They had noted the large number of British expatriates, immigrants, and decendants in Utah, as well as the large number of LDS missionaries who'd gained an interest in Britain through serving missions there. It was decided to form an association that would promote knowledge of English heritage as well as provide a forum for all the British Isles associations in Utah to work together.

The Utah Brits attempts to fulfill it's chartered goals by sponsoring, or helping to organize, various annual events and socials. Decisions and planning of these events are conducted by members and the Board of Directors at meetings held no less than monthly.

While email or phone is the quickest means of contacting us, our official mailing address is:

(No current mailing address)

The Utah British Isles Association WAS (registered 05/01/2002, expired 08/30/2016) incorporated as a 501(c)3 non-profit Utah corporation. The Utah Department of Commerce database information was available here: