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Meetings and Socials
2004: Sep16   Nov03   Nov06  
2005: Feb11   Mar03   Apr08   May16   Nov03   Nov10  
2006: Mar18   Mar25   Apr22   May27   Jun24   Jul22   Aug26   Sep23   Oct28   Nov25  
Memorial Day Murray Park Picnic & Social

A Picnic and social will be held 7pm, Saturday, May 27th, 2006, at Pavillion #2 in Murray Park.

Use the Parkside Drive (about 495 East) entrance from 5300 South in Murray. Follow the road over the stream and around to the left to the end to Pavillion #2.

A Google Map is viewable here.

We will be serving hamburgers, vegiburgers, hot dogs, chips, potato salad, cole slaw and beverages. While not required, if you with to bring additional dishes to share, please do so.

This event is free of charge to all Utah British Isles Association members and their guests. If you have not paid dues for 2006, you may do so at the picnic, or see the instructions on our membership page.

To help us prepare for this event, please send an email to picnic2006@utahbrits.org letting us know how many people you will bring.

If you have any questions, please contact a board member.

Memorial Day Picnic and Social, Murray City Park

It's 43°F, raining, and a bunch of UtahBrits are standing around a fire keeping warm... Is it Bonfire Night? No, it's the May 27th Memorial Day Picnic at Murray City Park.

Fifteen hardy souls braved unseasonably cold Utah weather to enjoy hickory smoked hamburgers, vegiburgers, hotdogs, and the Warwood's taco salad accompanied by a couple of hours of enjoyable socializing.

Memorial Day Picnic